My story started in June 2015 when for the first time helped shearing a sheep at my friend's farm. A cute mommy of two little lambs needed a hair-cut, she was so calm and diligent when I was cutting her coat. After the shearing the owner of the farm gave me a huge bag of her fleece. I was confused but shortly after googling all the details I washed it and found my Mom's old hand carders. |
I asked my hubby to buy me wheel, which seemed easier for me to use. For a about half a year I was spinning with my wheel and then another summer came and we started to travel and spend most of the time outside. My wheel was standing at home and my hands were itching to spin! |
I bought my first turkish spindle online. When I flicked it for the first time I already knew that this was going to be my passion, my first spindle spun yarn was not perfect but still I admired this opportunity to spin everywhere. I started spinning while watching kids playing on a playground, while standing in a line at the post office or in the bank, while waiting for doctors' appointments or when waiting for kids from their classes. |
A friend of mine is a wood-turner and he was eager to make me a smaller version of my spindle and also a bigger one for plying. One day one of the Moms at the playground got so interested in what I was doing. It appeared that she has a husky dog and lots of fiber to spin, so she asked for a spindle to sell her. Later another woman at the bank, when I was waiting in the line, asked me where I got my spindle. So my story began! |